Friday, April 17, 2009

What I did on spring break - 2009

Me and Dad get the '411' before we head out.
This is what happens when Mom tries to do the '411'.
It IS a 'Small World'. These are my friends from Lone Peak Highschool! Familiar faces made me want to get teary.
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All Good.
Still Good.
Boys and airplanes. Sure Hit.
Boys and telescopes.....for sure.
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More Disneyland

Can't escape the 'High School Musical'.
On this ride I got to ride in a spacepod and shoot cool lazer guns - like at a super hyped up Cabellas shooting range.
I'm being used for the mosaic and flower picture.
B - Bye, Now.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

As from Zions.

This is 'Beaner' - better known as 'Ugly Cat'. She showed up at our house about six years ago and has never left. When she first arrived she had on a pretty pink collar. She is tough. She fights off racoons, bigger stray cats, dogs and who knows what else.