Monday, July 21, 2008

Andys' series of unfortunate events

This weekend I went swimming at Durfey Hot Springs with my sister, Jayne. I took Andy with me because of reasons known only to me. I like to take him with me in the car and put him on the dashboard and watch him tip over and bounce around while we drive.

I had Andy in the water with me and all of a sudden he disappeared. He was sucked into a big tube. I was shocked and sick. We looked everywhere for him. People stopped swimming to help us look. We were getting ready to leave and someone found him in the big pool! I was so happy.
The next day in church people asked me if I'd found him and I could tell them Yes.

1 comment:

Suzette Baird said...

Oh man, I am so glad you found Andy how traumatic!!! That picture of Durfy's looks really awesome.
love you